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Let’s change the world. Together.

Ancillary Studies

We welcome the opportunity to facilitate high-quality, community-engaged, research collaborations that aim to improve the health and well-being of LGBTQIA+ communities. Through The PRIDE Study's ancillary studies, a wide variety of investigators working on academic or community-based projects related to LGBTQIA+ health can apply to work collaboratively with The PRIDE Study team.

Approved Ancillary Studies
A complete listing of approved ancillary studies is available here.

Desired Ancillary Study Topics (NEW)
The PRIDE Study receives comments and suggestions from LGBTQIA+ community members and researchers about topics for The PRIDE Study and collaborating investigators to study. We keep this list updated with current suggestions and especially welcome Ancillary Study applications related to these topics:
• Male sexual function/dysfunction
• Mental, physical, and social health issues in bisexual+ adults
• Pressures for sexual activities in relationships in transgender populations
• Impact of debt on LGBTQIA+ populations
• Rate of incidence of anal/rectal cancer among people who have anal sex
• Mental, physical, and social health issues for lesbian adults

Ancillary Study Application System and Important Associated Materials
!! IMPORTANT !! We are in the process of changing application processes and systems for PRIDE’s Ancillary Study proposals. If you are starting a new Ancillary Study proposal, please contact us at research@pridestudy.org first.

: For proposals coming from academic institutions, the submitting investigator (principal investigator of the ancillary study) must be a faculty member. For community-based proposals, please contact research@pridestudy.org.

• IMPORTANT Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions for Ancillary Study Collaborating Investigators (PDF) (2022-08-01)
• The PRIDE Study Ancillary Study - Example Complete Application Form (PDF) (2020-02-24)
The PRIDE Study Ancillary Study - Existing Data Request Instructions (PDF) (2023-07-09)
Examples of Ancillary Study Community Summaries and Dissemination Plans (PDF) (2020-02-24)
The PRIDE Study Research Dissemination Plan (PDF) (2019-12-06)
The PRIDE Study Example Data Use Agreement and Exhibits (PDF) (2019-09-23)

Obtaining Funding for Your Ancillary Study
We endeavor to support the pursuit of grant funding to support proposed or prospective Ancillary Studies. (See separate section regarding Ancillary Study costs on Page 1 in the above “Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions for Ancillary Study Collaborating Investigators” document.) Therefore, if you are planning to apply for funding to support your Ancillary Study, we strongly encourage you to be in touch with The PRIDE Study with a pre submission inquiry, well in advance of your application deadline. Depending on the resources available at The PRIDE Study at the time of the request, and interest in your proposed study, we may be able to partner with you in preparation of your application with for example, a letter of support, or facilitating other aspects of a grant application (e.g., sub-contracts, budgets, description of facilities, etc.). Please note however, The PRIDE Study is based at Stanford University School of Medicine and University of California San Francisco and are subject to its pre- and post-award management programs, human subjects, privacy, security, and other regulatory considerations and their externally determined timelines. We are also subject to various funding and reporting requirements. There may also be different processes and funding considerations depending on the proposed sponsor (e.g., NIH differs from foundations, etc.). Therefore, please be cognizant that grant funded collaborations take time and energy to develop and we often cannot accommodate short turnaround requests. A minimum of 2 months in advance of your institutional deadlines is requested. In addition, please note, although collaboration for grants applications for an Ancillary Study may proceed prior to an Ancillary Study application, any proposal will still be subject to an Ancillary Study application process (including review, revisions, and potential rejection) as described elsewhere.  We recommend noting this condition in applications. For more questions, please email research@pridestudy.org.

Students Submitting Ancillary Study Applications

If you are a student who is interested in submitting an ancillary study application to The PRIDE Study (to review existing data or implement a new survey with participants), please pay close attention to potential costs and review timelines involved with conducting an ancillary study, in the “Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions for Ancillary Study Collaborating Investigators” PDF document linked above. To obtain specific information related to your application, we highly recommend you submit an inquiry to us (by emailing research@pridestudy.org) prior to submitting your application.

Want to learn more about the core principles of community-engaged research at PRIDEnet?
Check out Guidance on Community-Engaged Research: A Primer for Ancillary Study Applicants (First Edition) authored by the PRIDEnet Participant Advisory Committee (PAC). We hope these guidelines will help you maintain a consistent and comprehensive focus on historically marginalized and under-represented subcommunities in your research.

The PRIDE Study Questionnaire Codebooks and Variable Lists
Information about The PRIDE Study questionnaires and data are available on The PRIDE Study Research Tools website (pridestudy.tools). If there are items that you cannot find, please contact us at research@pridestudy.org.

Training Experiences
The PRIDE Study and PRIDEnet provide training opportunities through PRIDE Lab and through other specific training opportunities.

The PRIDE Study and PRIDEnet facilitate the training of undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, medical, postdoctoral, early career faculty, and other trainees and learners in order to grow a pipeline of skilled and competent researchers in community-engaged research in sexual and gender minority health. Collectively, we work together as the PRIDE Lab to provide each other with a supportive, rich environment to learn new methods and develop our careers as community engaged researchers in sexual and gender minority health.

Trainees participate in community-engaged research in a manner individualized to their capabilities and training goals. These research experiences may include assisting on research projects and tasks, disseminating research results to communities, and the mentored execution of research projects. Trainees work with one or more mentors within PRIDE Lab on these activities. Trainees meet weekly with the PRIDE Lab, a group of trainees at all levels who provide input, feedback, and support on research activities, works in progress, and career development.

The PRIDE Lab includes adult learners at all levels who are interested in working closely with community-engaged researchers in sexual and gender minority health. These opportunities are typically volunteer opportunities lasting a minimum of one year for 8-10 hours each week, though briefer more intensive opportunities are available and there are occasionally paid opportunities.

Apply for Training Opportunities
If you are interested in gaining experience and training in community-engaged research on sexual and gender minority health with The PRIDE Study and PRIDEnet, please complete the application materials at this link to be considered for The PRIDE Lab.

NOTE: For unpaid training opportunities, we are currently only considering applications from those affiliated with Stanford or the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

What mark will you leave?

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