Results and sharing information:
The PRIDE Study is committed to making sure data is kept private. We also want to make sure that data is shared in ways that maintains confidentiality, which is why all research data from the study will be presented in aggregate, or grouped, form. No data on any single study participant will ever be presented. See our FAQs for more information.
Our goal is to make results and findings from The PRIDE Study available to you and those interested in improving the health of our communities, as what we learn could lead to more tailored approaches for preventing and treating health conditions more common among LGBTQIA+ people.

The ripple effect:
By taking The PRIDE Study, you make an impact. The more people who participate, the more we learn and the greater our impact becomes.
We are building a foundation for ongoing learning about how identity influences health.
Our learning will continue to grow and strengthen over the lifetime of The PRIDE Study. We hope you’ll stay connected with us as our research progresses.